Chergach [Erg Chech]* (H5 imb.)
More photos & info.: FallingRocks, Meteorite Recon |
art. Warin Roger, Kashuba John, Zeszklenie spowodowane tarciem, koncepcja często zapominana, METEORYT 2/2009, pp.35–36 (kolor). Ciekawa opowieść o przyczynach i efektach tarcia w skałach i meteorytach. Pseudotachylity efekty tarcia w meteorycie Chergach*. |
cs 209.4 g
cs 65.54 g
cs 64.59 g
~80% primary fusion crusted individual (~20% secondary fusion crust); dimenision: 53x44x17mm.
Big iron grain appearing at the surface as well a nice and big chondrule.
fc 53.18 g
about 20% fusion crusted
fc 37.48 g
about 55% fusion crusted
cs 34.79 g
cs 14.61 g (IMB?)
ep 7.36 g (metal inclusion!)
fc 4.65 g (IMB)
cs 3.78 g
cs 3.67 g
cs 2.52 g
cs 1.71 g (oriented?)
cs 1.68 g
cs 1.47 g
coin (#46)
Meteorites Collection 2002–2016 © Jan Woreczko & Wadi |
Page update: 2016-05-14 18:19 |