Ehole* (H5)


s 3.19 g

Ehole (H5) Ehole (H5)


f 0.767 g

Ehole (H5)


Name: Ehole
Location: Cunene, Angola, 17°18'S, 15°50'E 
TKW: 2400 g
Fall: August 31, 1961; 16h45m
Classification: ordinary chondrite, H5

[MB 23]

The place of fall or discovery:  Ehole, near the village of Namakunde, Angola, Africa; approximately 4 km from the border of South-West Africa
Date of fall or discovery: FALL, August 31, 1961, about 16 hrs. 45 min. local time
Class and type: STONY, crystalline chondrite
The number of individual specimens: 2
Total Weight: Unknown
The circumstances of the fall or discovery: The movement of the stones from west to east was he­ard. The sound resembled that of thunder accompa­nied by a cracking like machinegun fire. Local inha­bitants heard the meteorite strike the ground. Imme­diately afterwards two stones, which fell at a distance of about 400 metres from each other, were discovered burrowed in the sand at a depth of approximately 25 cm.  The specimen received by the Smithsonian Astrophysi­cal Observatory weighed 2.4 kg. Part of the specimen, weighing 1530 gr, has been transfered to the United States National Museum at Washington, USA.
Source: Letter from Dr. John A. Wood (Cambridge, USA), to E. L. Krinov, November 17, 1961.


 Meteorites Collection   2002–2020 © Jan Woreczko & Wadi

Page update: 2020-10-21 22:38