[West Sahara 00001] (L5)

ep 3.97 g

Nie ma jeszcze oficjalnie meteorytów (linii meteorytów) o tej nazwie. Roboczo są nazywane West Sahara xxxxx i sądząc po przyjętej przez autora tej nazwy, skali numeracji, szykuje się nowe El Dorado dla pustynnych łowców ;-)

[West Sahara 00001] (L5)

Jak na razie tylko tyle wiadomo o tym meteorycie co napisał Adam Hupe na eBay'u:

West Sahara 00001 January 1, 2000 Meteorite,
[...] An L5 Chondrite found January 01, 2000 in the Sahara desert. I acquired several block cuts of this meteorite when it was first released because I thought it would be cool to own a piece of the first meteorite find of 2000. I have been continuing to catalog our collection and came upon this material recently. Not needing this many specimens I cut most of the blocks down into smaller pieces so that more collectors could own a piece of this meteorite. I have not seen it offered on eBay for years so now may be your chance to pick up a piece. I tried to find it listed in the Meteoritical Bulletin but could not find any references so apparently the original finder(s) did not submit the required data to the NomCom as is the case with several other Sahara XXXX series meteorites. A TKW of 1.83 kg is reported for this find according to the original notes that were included with the specimens. In any case, this meteorite having been reportedly found on January 1, 2000 would make it the first meteorite find of the Millennium making it a must have for most collectors. This specimen comes with an identification card from The Hupé Collection. [...]


 Meteorites Collection   2002–2016 © Jan Woreczko & Wadi

Page update: 2016-05-23 22:15