Woreczko Meteorites

Jan Woreczko & Wadi

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Name (photo) Web page | eBay nick | shop (s) | collection (c) |  
Acacia Michel www | meteorites_be | s | c | BE
Afanasyev Sergey   COMET METEORITE SHOP www.cometshopnew.com | cometshopnew | s | c | US
Afiniss Abdellah www | nick | s | c | MA
Aid Mohamed (& Bouraga Ahmad) www | nick | s | c | MA
Aithiba Abdelhadi & Ait Hiba Adam www | nick | s | c | MA
Aldom Shaum Seven Vale Fossils www.fishsealevel.com | severn_vale_fossils | s | c | UK
Alge Oliver www.meteorite-oliver.com | khosamui | s | c | ES
Altman Martin   Martin Altman Meteorites www.meteorite-martin.de | nick | s | c | DE
Altman Martin & Ralew Stefan  Chladni's-Heirs www.chladnis-heirs.com || The brand 'Chladni's Heirs' - ceased to exist. DE
 Anger Christian    AustroMET www.austromet.com | austromet | s | c | RIP AT
Arnold Steve   (Chicago, IL) stormbringer60120.tripod.com | illinoismeteorites | s | c | US
Arnold Steve   Brenham meteorites (Arkansas) arnoldmeteorites.com | stevearnoldpmh | s | c | US
Atkins Larry www | alienrockfarm | s | c | US
Balabin Marianne (Skorniakov Slava) www | stoniron | s | c | RU
>Bandli Mike   Astro Artifacts historicmeteorites.com, www.astro-artifacts.com | astroartifacts, historic-meteorites | s | c | US
Barratti Raymond A www | smokinmoca | s | c | US
Barratti Robert www | brassfish9 | s | c | US
Barrett Ian   Jurassic Jewellery (BIMS) www.jurassicjewellery.co.uk | jellyfysh | s | c | UK
Bartels Jan & Yvonne   Heavenly Bodies www.heavenlybodies.nl | brubaned | s | c | NL
Bartoschewitz Rainer   Bartoschewitz Meteorite Lab (BML) www.Meteorite-Lab.org | cosmo-rock | s | c | DE
Bassey Dean   Meteorite Shop www.meteoriteshop.com | amunre | s | c | CA
Bater Adam BC Meteorites bcmeteorites.com | nick | s | c | US
Bejar Ronney www | meteorite-man | s | c | US
Bento Matthew www | mattsmegalodons | s | c | US
Beroud Frederick & Boucher Christophe   Meteoriteshow meteoriteshow.free.fr |meteoriteshow | s | c | FR
Bidaut Carine & Fectay Bruno   Meteorite.fr www.meteorite.fr | bruno39_fr | s | c | FR
Bilet Morten  GEOTOP www.geotop.no | nick | s | c | NO
Birdsell John & Dawn   Arizona Skies Meteorites www.arizonaskiesmeteorites.com |arizona_..._sellers | s | c | US
Black Anne M.   Anne Black Impactika www.impactika.com | impactika | s | c | US
Blood Michael   Michael Blood Meteorites www.michaelbloodmeteorites.com | candotou, michaelblood | s | c | US
Bostick Mark   MeteoriteArticles www | thebigcollector, coinandstampman | s | c | US
Boswell Terry  T&A Meteorites | Joshua Tree Imports www.tameteorites.com | joshuatreeimports | s | c | US
Bouraga Ahmad (& Aid Mohamed) www | nick | s | c | MA
Bowers Derik W.   BOWERS-TRINITITE-COLLECTION www | jackstraw922msncom | s | c | US
Bracci Paolo www | ussent | s | c | IT
Brady Jim  Emerald Isle Minerals/Meteorites www.emeraldislemeteorites.com | emeraldisleminerals | s | c | IR
Branch Walter www | branchw, branchmeteorites | s | c | US
Brattstrom Ted  (craters) kauscience.k12.hi.us/~ted/ | nick | s | c | US
Brey Scott   PlanetBrey Meteorites www.planetbrey.com | nick | s | c | US
Brinker Bernhard   BA - Meteorites +Altman Martin www.brinkerminerals.de | floating-world | s | c | DE
the British and Irish Meteorite Society (BIMS) www.bimsociety.org
Brügge Norbert www.b14643.de | nick | s | c | DE
Bruno Federico www | naturalia03 | s | c | AR
Bryant David   spacerocks (BIMS) www.spacerocksuk.com | spacerocks | s | c | UK
Budka Phyllis Zych  Meteor Metals www.meteormetals.com | nick | s | c | US
Buhl Svend   Niger Meteorite Recon www.niger-meteorite-recon.de | werffroenne | s | c | DE
Carion Alain   Carion Minerals www.carionmineraux.com | nick | s | c | FR
Casado José Vincente and Allepuz David www.cazameteoritos.es | nick | s | c | ES
Casper Michael I.   Michael I.Casper Meteorites www.caspermeteorites.com | nick | s | c | US
Catterton Greg  Wandering Star Meteorites www.wanderingstarmeteorites.com | wanderingstarmeteorites | s | c | US
Cavalieri Richard C. bruderheim.tripod.com | nick | s | c |  
Chaoui Rachid www | nick | s | c | MA
Cheshire Frank www.crystalencounters.com.au | crystallynda | s | c | AU
>> Chinellato Matteo   M come Meteorite www.mcomemeteorite.it | mcomemeteorite, meteorite2001 | s | c | IT
Cilz Marlin   Montana Meteorite Laboratory www.ttc-cmc.net | nick | s | c | US
Christensen Graham   Graham's Meteorites www.geocities.com/aerolitehunter/ | nick | s | c | US
Cintron Geoffrey   IslandMeteorites www.islandmeteorites.com | nick | s | c |  
Cisneros Sharon   MRC - Mineralogical Research Co. www.minresco.com | nick | s | c | US
Clarke Sean www | rocketfella | s | c | UK
Clary Sonny www.nevadameteorites.com | nick | s | c | US
Classen Norbert   Planetary Meteorites - meteoris.de www.meteoris.de | ivuna | s | c | DE
CML – Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory meteorites.pdx.edu | nick | s | c | US
Cobby Keith  Peninsula Meteorites peninsula-meteorites.com | nick | s | c | AE
Coffman Jim   NICKELIRONMONKEY www | nickelironmonkey | s | c | US
Conlledo Benjamin Disraeli Rivera www | southamerica-rockhunter | s | c | BO
Conroy Michael   Lapidaire-Extraordinary-Lapidary www | migalf1 | s | c | US
Cormier Gaetan gcmeteorites.blogspot.com, meteoritetop20ofthemonth.wordpress.com | nick | s | c | CA
Cosmic Matter www.cosmicmatter.com | nick | s | c | US
Cottingham Michael   VOYAGE-BOTANICA-NATURAL-HISTORY www.voyagebotanica.com | mikewren, meteorite-collector | s | c | US
Cox Brian www | searchingforfun | s | c | US
Crawford Mark   Mark's Astro Pages/London-Miscellany; Historic Falls.com; Veliki Macak meteorites.cc, historicfalls.com, velikimacak.com | duineuk | s | c | UK
Cucchiara Bob www | meteoritemadness | s | c | US
Daillier Jean-Michel  Meteorite-Art www.meteorite-art.com | nick | s | c | FR
Daleo Noah  Argus Rocks Meteorites www.argusrocks.com | argusrocks | s | c | US
Dal Molin Hans www | telesta | s | c | US
Debienne Alexandre www | astromedia | s | c | BE
Decker Stephan   DonnerSteine,
Meteorite-Museum of Art
www.donnersteine.de, www.meteorite-shop.de, www.meteorite-museum.de | donnersteine | s | c | DE
Dehner Thomas   Megalith, Tektite.com www.tektit.com, www.moldavit.de | nick | s | c | DE
Deiro Guido www | airmuseum | s | c | US
Delbauve Jean Bernard meteoritemania.site.voila.fr | jbdel2000 | s | c | BE
Delgaudio Jake   The Nature Source www.nature-source.com | nature-source | s | c | US
DelRay Leigh Anne www | callistodesigns | s | c | US
Deyarmin David home.ec.rr.com/bobadebt/50mil.htm | nick | s | c | US
Deyarmin David home.ec.rr.com/bobadebt/50mil.htm | nick | s | c | US
Dickens Dustin  Top Meteorite topmeteorite.com | nick | s | c | US
Dunklee Stephen www | sdunklee72520 | s | c | US
Eddine Azelmat Nor   Saharock www.saharock.com | saharock_meteorites | s | c | MA
Edwards Don www | icedance | s | c | US
Eger Uwe   Space Rocks (Eger) www.space-rocks-eger.de | nick | s | c | DE
Eisler Bud & Josh   CosmicCutlery www.cosmiccutlery.com | nick | s | c | US
Elliott Rob & Irene   Fernlea Meteorites www.meteorites.uk.com, fernlea.tripod.com | fernleameteorites | s | c | UK
Eltri Maurizio www.meteoriti.info | nick | s | c | IT
Emanuel-Smith Don www | kirrem | s | c | AU
Esmail Mohamed www | nick | s | c | MA
Esparza Carl & Debbie www | meteoritemax | s | c | US
Evans Robert www | maccers531 | s | c | US
"fallingstars.com"   fallingstars.com www.fallingstars.com/meteorites.htm | fallingstars.com | s | c | US
Farmer Michael   Michael Farmer Meteorites www.meteoriteguy.com, www.meteoritehunter.com | meteoritehunters, meteorite-hunter, farmerm | s | c | US
Ferguson Mike   Imagine Opal imagineopals.com | imagineopal, refamat | s | c | US
Ferrière Ludovic Meteor Impact on Earth www.meteorimpactonearth.com | nick | s | c AT
Figge Uwe www | protosunm42 | s | c | DE
Finkle Timothy W. www | equilon64 | s | c | US
Finney Russ  Meteorite Collector.org www.meteoritecollector.org | nick | s | c | US
Folta Alex www.af-meteorites.com | folta-meteorite | s | c | DE
Foote Gary   All About Meteorites www.meteorite-dealers.com | gkfoote0pki | s | c | US
Ford Mark   (BIMS) www.freewebs.com/fordmeteorites/ | nick | s | c | US
Fowler Mike www | starsandrocks | s | c | US
Franco Michel   Caillou Noir www.caillou-noir.com | kayunwar | s | c | FR
Fronefield Daniel   Custom Knives by Daniel Fronefield meteorforge.net, home.hiwaay.net/~dfronfld/ | nick | s | c | US
Fujihara Gary  Big Kahuna Meteorites bigkahuna-meteorites.com, www.astroday.net | fujmon | s | c | US
Gabel Olaf www.chief-impactor.de, www.gabelbart.de | meteor-catcher | s | c | DE
Gabelica Zelimir see: Warin Roger FR
Gallant Mike   miga Research and Development, Inc. www.migacorp.com | migacorp | s | c | US
Garcia Ruben   Mr-Meteorite www.mr-meteorite.com | mr-meteorite, meteorfright | s | c | US
Gessler Nicholas   Meteorites gessler.bol.ucla.edu | nick | s | c | US
Ghessling Dave   Falling Rocks www.fallingrocks.com | dbgbogey | s | c | US
Gießler Carsten & Poloczek Kornelia   GiPoMeteorites www.gi-po.de | gipo-m3teorites | s | c | DE
Gilmer Michael  Galactic Stone & Ironworks www.glassthrower.com, galacticstone.mybisi.com | maypickle | s | c | MetSoc member US
Göttlich David  Gavie gavie.de | gruenekatze3 | s | c | DE
Goff Martin Samuel  MSG-Meteorites msg-meteorites.co.uk | msg-meteorites | s | c | UK
Goueslain Annick & Parodi Jean-Luc   AJL Meteorites www.ajlmeteorites.com | nick | s | c | FR
Graul Mirko   Mirko Graul Meteorite www.meteorite-mirko.de | mirko66 | s | c | DE
Gren Andreas (Maren Kurschat)   Meteoriten Haus (The-Meteorite-House) www.meteoritenhaus.com | nord_stein, oliver2637 | s | c | DE
Grozman Yulia  CometShopNew www | cometshopnew | s | c | US
Guadagno Paul   Quality-Iron-Meteorites www | paolo2000 | s | c | US
Guajardo Filipe www | felipemiam | s | c | US
Gueldenpfennig Tim   Impact-shop.eu www.impact-shop.eu | schlossmann, impact-shop.eu | s | c | DE
>Gwilliam John   MeteoriteImpact www.meteoriteimpact.com | nick | s | c | US
Haag Robert   MeteoriteMan www.meteoriteman.com, www.meteorites.com | 3kids2wives | s | c | US
Haberer Siegfried   Haberer-Meteorites www.haberer-meteorite.de | haberer-meteorite_de | s | c | DE
Habibi Aziz www.palmhotel.com | nick | s | c | MA
Hackney Rosemary   Fallen Star Meteorites www | jacinth2 | s | c | US
Haddany Said www | nick | s | c | MA
Harrigan Eric www | harrharw42 | s | c | US
Harrigan Wayne www | lsm400800 | s | c | US
Harris Dave   (BIMS) www | entropydave | s | c | UK
Harris Paul & Tobin Jim   The Meteorite Exchange www.meteorites-for-sale.com | nick | s | c | US
Hartman Ron & James   Membrane Boxes membranebox.com | fusion_crust | s | c | US
Heflin David H.   Alpine Meteorites and Coins www | cooley555 | s | c | US
Heinlein Dieter   Bavarian Meteorite Lab. www.meteorites.de | bolidechaser | s | c | DE
Heitz Tim   Midwest Meteorites www.meteorman.org | midwestmeteorman | s | c | US
Herkstroeter Ingo www | lithoraptor | s | c | DE
Herrman Patrick  PALLASITE.ca www.pallasite.ca | nick | s | c | CA
Higgins John  Meteorite Club (Outer-Space-Rocks) www.meteoriteclub.com | meteoritehunting | s | c | US
'Historic Meteorites' www.historicmeteorites.com; see: Bandli Mike US
Hmani Ali & Mohammed www.sahara-nayzak.com | nick | s | c | see: Boswell Terry MA
Hohmann Dirk www | nick | s | c |  
Holmes Bob   Bob Holmes Meteorite Collection www.meteoritebiz.com | bobholmes | s | c | US
Holmes Wayne  MeteoritesRock.com www.meteoritesrock.com | nick | s | c | US
Holt David   Dave Holt's Website www | nick | s | c |  
Hopkins Stephen www | spacecase33 | s | c | US
Horejsi Martin G. www.meteorite-times.com | zagami | s | c | US
Hun (Humphries) Johnny www | azmeteorites | s | c | US
Hupe Adam & Gregory www.LunarRock.com | naturesvault, raremeteorites, meteoritelab | s | c | US
Ismaily Mohammed www | nick | s | c | MA
Jackson Luther www.lutherjackson.co.uk | nick | s | c | UK
Jacques Vincent users.skynet.be/meteorite.be | nick | s | c | BE
Jäger Peter (Jaeger)   APOLDA www.meteorite.de | meteoritenjaeger | s | c | DE
Jaguar Martin www | martinjaguarcat | s | c | UK
Jawerbaum Eduardo   SMF - Southern Minerals & Fossils www.smf.com.ar | smfmeteorites, meteorites.com | s | c | AR
Jaworski Laurent   Meteorpassion www.meteorpassion.com | meteorpassion | s | c | FR
Jenkerson Keith & Dana   KD Meteorites www.kdmeteorites.com | kdmeteorites | s | c | US
Jensen Michael R.   Jensen Meteorites www.jensenmeteorites.com | meteorfinder | s | c | US
Jirasek Roman   MeteoriteLabels.com www.meteoritelabels.com/main.html | roman... | s | c | CA
Johnson Michael   SpaceRocksInc.com www.spacerocksinc.com, rocksfromspace.org, members.aol.com/spacerocksinc/ | spacerocksinc | s | c |  
Jonikas Aras  AJMeteorites ajmeteorites.com | ajmetcltr | s | c | US
Kachalin Dima see: Afanasyev Sergey  
Kammel Norbert F. & Heike   Rocks On Fire www.rocksonfire.com | rocksonfire, camel-3 | s | c | AU
Karl Moritz   SV & MO's meteorites www.m3t3orites.com | meteoriten, moritzkarl | s | c | DE
Karls Liane   Lianes Mineralien-Meteorite Ecke www | mineraliensammlerin | s | c | DE
Kashuba John johnkashuba.com | nick | s | c | US
Keller Diana www | jasmine_di | s | c | US
Kerchner Joseph   illinoismeteorites.com illinoismeteorites.com | nick | s | c | US
Kereszty Zsolt meteorites.eurodome.hu | cbo891 | s | c | HU
Kessell Kevin   Meteorites Plus www.meteoritesplus.com | fedkev | s | c | US
Kettunen Jarkko  Little Planets www.littleplanets.fi | nick | s | c | FI
Kichinka Kevin   The Art of Collectiong Meteorites www.theartofcollectingmeteorites.com | marsrox | s | c | US
Killgore Elijah & Kitty   The Southwest Meteorite Lab (Website) www.meteoritelab.com | emeteorite | s | c | US
"King E.A."   COSMIC MATTER www.cosmicmatter.com | nick | s | c |  
Knöfel André www | 2002el6 | s | c | DE
Koser Hans www | nick | s | c | AR
Koutyrev Ivan www | ataxite, finmet | s | c | US
Kovac Cyril   CK Minerals www.ckminerals.com.au | nick | s | c | AU
Krismantis George   Southwestern Sales Inc. www.southwesternsales.net | cathykrislv | s | c | US
Krosschell Jeffrey  KALANI OF THE HEAVENS www | kalani_oftheheavens | s | c | US
Kuntz Fabien www.wwmeteorites.com | meteoritophile, wwmeteorites | s | c | FR
Kuo Corey www | cocospotbig200588 | s | c | TW
 Kurat Gero  www.kurat.at | nick | s | c | RIP AT
Kurtz Thomas   SaU 300 lunar www.stud.fh-hannover.de | starshine77 | s | c | DE
Kurz Gottfried www | goddy62 | s | c | DE
Kutyreva Marina   RUSSIAN-STONES www | aniramq | s | c | US
Kuyken Jeff   MeteoritesAustralia www.meteorites.com.au | meteoritesaustralia | s | c | AU
Labenne Luc & Jim   Labenne Meteorites www.labenne-meteorites.com, www.meteorites.tv | nick | s | c |  
LaCroix Jack www | jlacroix1 | s | c | US
LaDuke Gary www | gladuke | s | c | US
Lan Ma www.malanmeteorites.com | common_murre | s | c | CN
Langheinrich Allan   Langheinrich Meteorites www.nyrockman.com | nick | s | c | US
Lebel Curt C J   Cj's Meteorites www.cjsmeteorites.com | riffraff14 | s | c | US
Leeds Adam www | myporsche | s | c | US
Lenssen Rob  Asteroid Chippings www.asteroidchippings.com | rob1612mar | s | c | NL
Leong Desmond www.tektiteinc.com | tektiteinc-dot-com | s | c | AU
Little John D. www | meteorsandmore | s | c | US
Lode Laurent www.nuggetsfactory.com | nugget_factory | s | c | FR
Mannix Pete www | pmannix60 | s | c | US
van der Marel Dirk www | eapoecistron | s | c | NL
Marmet Peter   Marmet-Meteorites www.marmet-meteorites.com | pema9 | s | c | CH
Martaus Alexandr   MOLDAVITES www.moldavites.net | martaus1 | s | c | CZ
Martinez Mike   MARE METEORITICS www.meteorflash.com | meteorflash | s | c | US
Martinez Rodrigo   Atacama Desert Meteorites www.meteorites.cl | nick | s | c | CL
Martin Kenneth C. www | nick | s | c |  
Martyn Paul www | litig8nshark | s | c | US
Matthews Melanie www | metmel2775 | s | c | CA
Merchant Don  Cosmic Treasures Celestial Wonders www.ctreasurescwonders.com | emflocater | s | c | US
Meteorite Association of Georgia www.meteoriteassociationofgeorgia.org US
Meteorites Exchange, Inc. www.meteorite.com !!!
Meteorite Express Club   Meteorite Express Club www.geocities.com | nick | s | c |  
Mezgouri Fayssal za [meteorite-list] – sprzedawca niepewny, ma na koncie wiele oszustw! MO
McCafferty Robert www | rob_mccafferty | s | c | UK
McCartney Taylor  Out of a Blue Sky outofabluesky.com | black_bart_books | s | c | US
McCracken Steve www | customringdesigns | s | c | US
McCuistian Washington www | lotus01 | s | c | US
McDaniel Stuart  Space Rocks spacerocks.weebly.com | nick | s | c | US
McDonald Craig www | ibcollector | s | c | US
Mignan Arnaud  Tricottet Collection www.thetricottetcollection.com | nick | s | c | US
Miller Mark  herpetology.com/scalecube.htm | reptiles | s | c | US
Miller Michael  MeteoriteFinder.com www.meteoritefinder.com | flattoprocks | s | c | US
Miller Victor  www | victorm955 | s | c | US
Mitterling Alan E. www.mitterling.com | almittmet | s | c | US
Moilanen Jarmo  Somerikko www.somerikko.net | nick | s | c |  FI
Morgan Matthew L.   Mile High Meteorites www.mhmeteorites.com | mhmeteorites | s | c | US
Moser Francesco web.tiscali.it/francesco.moser/ | tnmet | s | c | IT
Motheau Régis   Espace-meteorite.com www.espace-meteorite.com | nick | s | c | FR
Moutinho André www.meteorito.com.br/moutinho/index.php | meteorite_hunter | s | c | BR
Murray Sean T.  Star Catching www.starcatching.com | nick | s | c | US
New England Meteoritical   New England Meteoritical Services (NEMS) www.meteorlab.com | nick | s | c | UK
Nikischer Tony   Excalibur Mineral Corp. www.excaliburmineral.com | nick | s | c | US
Notkin Geoff   AEROLITE Meteorites www.aerolite.org | nick | s | c | US
Ødegaard Knut Jørgen Røed  www.astrobutikken.no | nick | s | c | NO
Olmscheid Thomas www | komakoma | s | c | US
Olson Eric   ELKK Meteorites www.star-bits.com | katy2kary | s | c | US
Ormandy Michal www | nick | s | c |  
Ouzillou Mendy www.meteoritesusa.com | mendyo | s | c | US
Pacer Gregor www.mineralandmore.com | twinstar57, meteoritist | s | c | DE
Pani Ahmed  Pani Meteorites www | nick | s | c | MA
Parker Todd www | desertaction | s | c | US
Parodi Jean-Luc see: Goueslain Annick & Parodi Jean-Luc   AJL Meteorites FR
Patton Susan www | batkol55 | s | c | US
Pauli Bernd www | bphd | s | c | DE
Paulos Tim www | cantim | s | c | US
Pawelski Ryan   FallingFusion www.fallingfusion.com | fallingfusion | s | c | US
Pawlik Norbert www | gallpa-meteorite | s | c | DE
Pei Ju Lee  StarHunter (將星比心) www.starhunter.tw | nick | s | c | TW
Pelé Pierre-Marie   Meteor-Center.com www.meteor-center.com | moky99 | s | c | FR
Pelisson Richard & Roland   SaharaMet www.saharamet.com | saharamet | s | c | FR
Phillips Jason   Rocks From Heaven www.rocksfromheaven.com | jnbran | s | c | US
Phillips Tom  Microscopic Meteorite Gallery
| Stars in the Dirt
www.meteorite.com/meteorite-gallery | starsinthedirt | s | c | US
Piatek Wendy & Jay jaymd.com | 1032redoak | s | c | US
Pickard Ray  Bathurst Observatory www.bathurstobservatory.com.au/metstudies.htm | nick | s | c AU
Pitt Darryl   Macovich Collection www.macovich.com | theskyisfalling | s | c | US
Pizzimenti Luigi CollectionSpace www.collectionspace.it | collectionspace_it | s | c | IT
Prochaska Frank www | nick | s | c |  
Ralew Stefan   SR-Meteorite www.sr-meteorites.de/meteorites.html | sr-meteorites | s | c | DE
Raouf Ismail  Meteorite Caravan www | nick | s | c | MA
Razvan Andrei www | imca7652 | s | c | RO
Redelsperger Jean Allmeteorite.com allmeteorite.com | nick | s | c | FR
Reed Blaine www.reedmeteorites.com, blaine-reed-meteorites.blogspot.com | nick | s | c | US
Reed Glenn & Heidi  Where on Earth? www.tellmewhereonearth.com | whereonearth | s | c | US
Regelman Ken   Astronomical Research Network www.meteorites4sale.net | nick | s | c | US
Reyna Gabriel www | peri420 | s | c | US
Rivera Erwin  Bolivia-Minerals www.bolivia-minerals.com | bolivia-minerals | s | c | BO
Rohr Linton www | lintonius | s | c | US
Ross Dirk   Meteorites Japan meteoritesjapan.com | nick | s | c | JP
Rowell Jeff   Meteorite Thin Sections www.thinsections.ca | mrowell | s | c | CA
Sandoval Eric www | grandpoisson | s | c | US
Sardak Vladislav www | sardakmeteorites | s | c | RU
Sbai Mohamed www | nick | s | c | MA
Scabini Fabio www | 15x60 | s | c | IT
Scarborough John (*) www | quietstorm2476, lonestar*meteorites | s | c | US
Scherman Michael www | myklss | s | c | US
Schiff Joel   METEORITE Magazine homepages.ihug.co.nz/~afs/ | nick | s | c | NZ
Schooler John & Earlene   John Schooler Meteorites www.schoolersinc.com | imca9322 | s | c | US
Schoner Steve   American Meteorite Survey www.geocities.com/american_meteorite_survey/ | impactor | s | c | US
Schrader Jack  Other Worlds Meteorites www.otherworldsmeteorites.net | 164thohiococ | s | c | US
Schultz David L. www | indy1996 | s | c | US
Schwarzbach Oliver www | oliver2637 | s | c | DE
Shawn Alan www | photophlow | s | c | US
Shea John A.  Big John Meteorites bigjohnmeteorites.com | nick | s | c | US
Shorten James H. www | nighthawkmeteorites | s | c | US
Sidilenko Dima www | nick | s | c | RU
Sinclair John   MeteoriteUSA www.meteoriteusa.com | nick | s | c | US
Smalley Mark   Dino Star dinostar.com | nick | s | c |  
Snyder Jason www.meteorseeker.com | nick | s | c | US
Stalder Thomas  SaharaGems saharagems.business.site, www.saharagems.com | saharagems | s | c | CH
Stimpson Don  Kansas Meteorite Museum www.kansasmeteorite.com | spinmost | s | c | US
Stroganov Alexandr. Ilya www.geokhi.ru/~meteorit/metengl-e.html | meteorock | s | c |  
Strope Jim   CatchaFallingStar.com www.catchafallingstar.com | catchafallingstar | s | c | US
Strufe Hanno   Hanno Strufe Meteorite www.strufe.net | dvhz | s | c | DE
Swartz Paul  Tucson Meteorites www.tucsonmeteorites.com | pas520 | s | c US
Szalkowski Stan   Gold N Rocks goldnrocks.net/meteoritemain | meteor4911 | s | c | US
Tabor Roger  Heartland Meteorites heartlandmeteorites.com | nick | s | c | US
Tahiri Brahim www | nick | s | c | MA
Theodossiou Panagiotis  The Aeroliths Collection | Μετεωρίτες meteorites.gr | nick | s | c | GR
Thomas Philippe & Léa   METEORITICA www.meteoritica.com, pagesperso-orange.fr | stellardust, meteoritica-france | s | c | FR
Thompson Edwin & Patrick  E.T.Meteorites www.etmeteorites.com | etmeteorites, thecooleststuff_503 | s | c | US
Tobin Jim see: Harris Paul & ... US
Trammell Harlan www | paleoasis, big_pine_artifacts | s | c | US
Twelker Eric   The MeteoriteMarket www.meteoritemarket.com, www.alaska.net/~meteor/ | nick | s | c | US
Tuchan Thomas www | t.tuchan | s | c | DE
Tutorow S. www | eegooblago | s | c | US
Uecker Andreas   cat_berlin's Meteoriten www.andreasuecker.de | cat_berlin | s | c | DE
Utas Jason  Falls and Finds www.fallsandfinds.com | calimeteoritefinder, the_meteorite_hunter | s | c | US
Valz-Blin Arnaud www | e-arts-fr | s | c | FR
Vasiliev Sergey   SV & MO's-meteorites www.sv-meteorites.com | svassiliev | s | c | CZ
Verish Robert & Moni Waiblinger  Bolide*Chaser bolidechaser.tripod.com, meteorite-recovery.org | nick | s | c US
Vignato Franco www.francomete.com | nick | s | c | IT
Wall Stanley www | rocman60 | s | c | US
Walker Robert Andrew  aka Bob "Oz Dog" Walker QMIG Queensland Meteorites Interest Group's www.qmig.net | nick | s | c | RIP AU
Wang Hao www | guilin3210 | s | c |  
Ward Robert  Iron from the Sky www.ironfromthesky.com | ironfromthesky | s | c | US
Warin Roger  AGAB Meteorites (L’AGAB – Association des Géologues Amateurs de Belgique) www.agab.be | nick | s | c | BE
Wassermann Frank www | himmlische_geschenke | s | c | DE
Webb Thomas H. www | webbth | s | c | US
Weir David   Meteorite Studies www.meteoritestudies.com | nick | s | c | US
Wellshear Coby www | beattraveler | s | c | US
Wesel Robert C.   Nakhla Dog Meteorites www.nakhladogmeteorites.com | nakhladog | s | c | US
Wichman Eric  MeteoritesUSA; MeteoriteWATCH www.MeteoritesUSA.com, www.meteoritewatch.com | freel3orn | s | c | US
Wilde Michael www | mineralium-deposita | s | c | DE
Wilding Mike   www.meteorite-saar.de www.meteorite-saar.de | saar-met | s | c | DE
Wilson Gregory www.jgregorywilson.com | sharkkb8 | s | c | US
Witt Steve www | anorthosite | s | c | US
Witzke Thomas www | nick | s | c | DE
Wooddell Jim  Desert Sunburn k7wfr.us | nick | s | c US
Wu Yonghui Blue & White Meteorite www | blueandwhitemeteorite, mingdaiqinghuaci| s | c | CN
www.meteorite.com www.meteorite.com | see: Harris Paul -
www.meteorite-times.com www.meteorite-times.com | see: Harris Paul -
www.sikhote.com   www.sikhote.com www.sikhote.com | wwwsikhote | s | c | -
Wynstra Charles www | galvin_gon | s | c | -
Yant Steven www | s.w.yant | s | c | US
Yew Bob  Chinese Meteorites and Tektites www.angelfire.com/biz/bobyew/ | nick | s | c | CN
Yoost Derek www | meteoritedude | s | c | US
Zalcik Mark & Lourdes   Blue Grama Gifts www | planetaryplaid | s | c | CA
Zhu Chunlin www | alf59288 | s | c | US
Internet auction | eBay.com | eBay.de | eBay.fr | eBay.co.uk |
Impactites for sale impactites.net CZ
Магазин метеоритов Białoruski sklep z meteorytami! Ale ceny zachodnie ;-) BY
www.seymchan.com www.seymchan.com – pallasyt Seymchan na sprzedaż RU
'unknow nicks'   www | nick | s | c | | dimension-5 | geochem495 US | lauxus2004 | meteorite78 DE | my*girls*mom US | newforwu US | 23dragons23 | ?
 –  IMCA member IMCA (International Meteorite Collectors Association); list of members, the purpose of this association is to guarantee authenticity of meteorites offered by its members.
  –  PTMet member PTMet (Polish Meteorite Society); list of members. In case of doubts about bought or found specimens you will be given an information and professional help here.
(*) zdarzały się zastrzeżenia co do wiarygodności i/lub autentyczności oferowanych meteorytów przez tego sprzedawcę na serwisach aukcyjnych - sugestie innych uczestników rynku, nie poparte dowodami - ocena subiektywna

Lista polskich kolekcjonerów i dealerów • Polish meteorite sellers & collectors

Our Polish meteorites market is developing very quickly. On Allegro.pl you can find and get very interesting specimens offered by 'professional' meteorite men and it is easy to ask for help or advice. Some of our dealers lead their business on world-wide range, and are well-known and appreciated on international forums. The may also help with ordering a specimen. For sure, you can count on ASPMet, Illaeus and PolandMet. Many Polish collections can be seen on PTM (Polish Meteorite Society) websites.


Z roku na rok nasz polski rynek meteorytów rozwija się bardzo dynamicznie. Na Allegro można trafić bardzo atrakcyjne okazy oferowane przez osoby zajmujące się 'zawodowo' meteorytami, stąd też jest do kogo zwrócić się o radę i pomoc. Niektórzy z naszych dealerów prowadzą swoją działalność na skalę światową, są znani i cenieni na międzynarodowym forum. Mogą oni też pomóc w zdobyciu okazu 'na zamówienie', takiej pomocy na pewno nie odmówią ASPMet, Illaeus i PolandMet. Zawartość większości polskich kolekcji można zobaczyć na stronach PTM.

  Lista ma być w swym założeniu pomocna do szybkiego przeglądania ofert na stronach dealerów i portalach aukcyjnych, czy też do podglądania cudzych kolekcji. Zamiast mozolnie wpisywać adresy w przeglądarkach i wielokrotnie klikać, aby dojść do konkretnej podstrony – wystarczy klik i sprawdzone, następny klik i już przejrzana inna oferta ... wygoda i ułatwienie przyświecają idei tej strony.


Jeśli chcesz zostać dopisany do tej listy, podaj swoje dane (www | nick | s | c |), jeśli nie chcesz tu figurować napisz (wykreśl), a usunę informacje o Tobie.

  Jest w Polsce wiele imponujących i pięknych kolekcji, o których informacji na mojej stronie nie znajdziesz (gdyż nie jest to "Lista wszystkich polskich dealerów i kolekcjonerów'), a i w internecie próżno szukać o nich informacji ;-(. Nie wiem czy to dobrze czy źle, że nie można pooglądać cudzych meteorytów?!?



Name Web page | eBay/Allegro nick | shop (s) | collection (c) |
Antczak Filip www.meteoryt.utp.pl | nick | s | c |
Bandurowski Jarosław  Polski Serwis Meteorytów www.ptmet.org.pl/psm | nick | s | c |
Baran Józef www | Jozek62 | s | c |
Baran-Barański Piotr www | vampireq7 | s | c |
x.Beczała Piotr  LANDSTAR landstar.eshopping24.eu | kspbeczla | s | c |
Błażewicz Jan  JB Meteoryty www.jb-meteoryty.yoyo.pl | nick | s | c |
Borzęcki Robert www.redbor.pl | nick | s | c |
Burski Maciek  EXPLORE METEORITE.com explore-meteorite.com | siaki_80 | s | c |
Cimała Marcin   PolandMet www.polandmet.com, www.meteoryt.net, meteoryty.pl | polandmet_com, beeper1 | s | c |
Cudny Sławek www | nick | s | c |
Czajka Wiesław  VANELLUS www.astroblemy.pl, www.vanellus.com.pl | nick | s | c |
Czarnecki Tomasz www.meteoryty.net | nick | s | c |
Dębowski Marcin  Meteoryty Kamada www.meteoryty-kamada.com | meteoryty-kamada, balu_ona | s | c |
Drążkowscy Jadwiga & Jacek jotde.republika.pl/meteoryty/ | nick | s | c |
Fryc Mariusz vallord2.republika.pl | vallord | s | c |
Gawryś Maciej  MG-MET www.meteoryt.ugu.pl | Maciek---- | s | c |
Górski Piotr i Małgorzata meteoryty.npx.pl | nick | s | c |
Hajwos Marcin  cosmoartel www.cosmoartel.pl | nick | s | c |
Jakubowski Tomasz   Treasures from the sky www.collectingmeteorites.com | illaenus, asphus, meteoritepoland | s | c, c |
Janus Artur ajnh.republika.pl | Brahin | s | c |
Kida Krzysztof i Bogusława  KBKE www.astronomica.pl | krzy_k1 | s | c |
Kosmulski Michał hektor.umcs.lublin.pl/~mikosmul/ | nick | s | c |
Kozłowski Szymon   SIMKOZ/meteoryciarz.pl www.astrouw.edu.pl/~simkoz, meteoryt.simkoz.pl, meteoryciarz.pl | simkoz | s | c |
Król Urszula landstar.eshopping24.eu | ulazalesianka | s | c |
Kubalczak Tomasz  Meteoriticon www | meteor-m2 | s | c |
Maciąg Kamil  KAMMET www.meteorite.com.pl | nick | s | c |
Mazur Alan www | jales82 | s | c |
Mazurek Kazimierz   KaMaMet www.ptmet.org.pl/old/psm/kamamet.htm | nick | s | c |
Morys Jarosław  MADEINSPACE.pl madeinspace.pl | nick | s | c |
Mularczyk Jakub www | kumulus13 | s | c |
Ogłaza Tomasz www.meteoryty.org | nick | s | c |
Owczarzak Andrzej www | kejzol | s | c |
Pilski Andrzej Sylwester   ASPMet www.aspmet.info | grusbergmet | s | c |
Radwan Jakub www.meteorites.pl | meteorites.pl | s | c |
Skirzewska Magda i Smuła Łukasz  ART&MET artmet-meteorites.com | starrymet | s | c |
Stawarz Tomasz www.meteoryty.sklepna5.pl | smot | s | c |
Szkatuła Jacek www | nick | s | c |
Zaręba Paweł  Meteory.Ty www.meteoryt.org | nick | s | c |
Zdancewicz Robert www.meteorites.gsi.pl | robertzdancewicz | s | c |
Żmija Mateusz  Skarby kosmosu skarbykosmosu.pl | nick | s | c |
Żochowski Paweł  Alter Stollen www.alterstollen.com | onyks5 | s | c |
Polskie Towarzystwo Meteorytowe www.ptmet.org.pl | nick | s | c |
Aukcje internetowe | Allegro | eBay.pl |
–  członek IMCA Międzynarodowa organizacja zrzeszająca kolekcjonerów i dealerów meteorytów IMCA  (International Meteorite Collectors Association); lista członków; celem organizacji jest m.in. gwarantowanie autentyczności meteorytów oferowanych przez jej członków (co nie znaczy, że inni sprzedawcy nie są wiarygodni!!).
–  członek PTMet PTMet  (Polskie Towarzystwo Meteorytowe); lista członków. W przypadkach, gdy ktoś ma wątpliwości w sprawie zakupionych czy też znalezionych okazów tu można otrzymać wiarygodną informację i profesjonalną pomoc.
Page update: 2024-05-19 01:29